Pizza - Meat Pizza within 7 Steps

Meat Pizza

Ingredients to make Dough:

Flour -1 cup

Yeast - 1 tablespoon

Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Powder milk - 1 tablespoon

Oil - 2 tablespoons

Salt - 1/2 tablespoon

1 Egg

Water - 1/2 cup

Steps to make Dough:

1) Add all the ingredients should be mixed in a bowl for 10-12 minutes to make Dough except for the egg, oil, and water. Then add an egg and mix it. Add a little oil and water continuously and keep mixing it and make it soft enough so that you feel the oil in your hand. 

2) Now put a cover on the bowl so that air does not go out or get in or either you can do just wrap the dough with plastic. Now all you have to do keep it for 1 hour. 

3) After 1 hour, you will see it is swollen, then make it a round bread with a height of 1.5 inches.

Ingredients to give over the Pizza:

Cooked Minced meat - 1 cup

Mozzarella Cheese -1/2 cup

Tomato Sauce - 1 tbsp

Tomato slices - 8/10 pieces

Capsicum slices - 8/10 pieces

Raw chili powder - 2 p.m.

Black Pepper - 1/2 tsp

Coriander leaves - 2 tablespoons

Oil - 2 tablespoons

Steps to finish making Pizza:

4) The bread should be placed in the pizza tray and the round edges should be designed well enough by pressing. Then make some holes in the middle of the bread with a fork.

5) Now spread minced meat with tomato sauce in the middle of thick bread, garnish it with mozzarella cheese, raw chili powder, tomato slices, capsicum slices, coriander leaves. Then Sprinkle Black Pepper and oil on it.

6) You have to brush a little oil on the edges of the pizza and then Put in a hot oven at 250 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

7) In the end, again you have to put a little bit of oil on the edges of the pizza so that it shines a little, and now you can cut it as you like.


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