Vegetable Cake within 16 minutes

Vegetable Cake within 16 minutes

Ingredients to make Vegetable cake

1 cup of Flour

½ cup chop of Onion

½ cup of Carrot crumbs

½ cup chop of Tomatoes

½ cup chop of Capsicum

½ cup chop of Coriander leaves

4 pieces of Chili chopped

½ spoon of Black Pepper

½ spoon of Baking Powder

½ cup of Water

½ spoon of Salt

1 Egg

1 tablespoon of Soybean oil

5 Steps to make Vegetable Cake

1)First to make vegetable cake add Flour with water and mix it. Then add Onions, Carrot, Tomatoes, Capsicum, Chili, Black Pepper, and keep mixing it. Then add Baking powder and coriander leaves with salt.

2)Add 1 Egg and Soybean oil and mix all the ingredients properly and keep it for 10 minutes in this way.

3)Put a pan on Stove and brush a little soybean oil on it. The heat of the stove should be very low. Then slowly put the ingredients on the pan and resize it on the pan. Then put the cover on it and keep it for 10 minutes.

4)After 10 minutes the bottom of the cake will be baked. Invert it so that the upper part is backed too and keep it for five minutes more by putting a cover.

5)After five minutes put off the cover and rest it for another 1 minute. You will get the smell of the cake that means it is ready. Easy recipe to make vegetable cake within 16 minutes.


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