You Won't Believe You Can Cure Coronavirus at Home

Coronavirus has become a major concern but you should not be afraid of coronavirus. Coronavirus can be cured with simple tips, just you should take care of yourself and better not increase the blood pressure by having too much tension and fear. You can cure coronavirus if you have enough patience to fight and follow the rules below.

6 simple tips

1) You should keep yourself and everything neat and clean around you. Please do exercise every day to increase the strength even it might seem tough. Try to take a hot warm bath and also try to drink warm water. 

2) If you caught fever or cold you can use homemade remedies to cure yourself. Just add mixed garlic with mustard oil and then use the remedy to massage your chest and backrest. Use warm mustard oil to massage your throat and also put it into your nose so that you feel warm. 

3) Try to eat clean, soft, and warm food. You must do gobble at least 3 to 4 times a day with warm water as your tolerance by mixing little salt. 

4) Boil ginger and cinnamon together for 10 to 15 minutes and drink half a cup with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 3 duration per day. In addition, take 1 spoon of honey with black caraway every day 2 times. 

5) Fruits are very essential for our body and we should eat more in these circumstances to build a Strong immune system. Fruits like Indian Gooseberry, Pomegranate, Pineapple, Mandarin Orange, Citrus, Carambola(mostly Vitamin C) will help to increase the nutrition in our body which gives power resistance for fever, cold, and cough. 

6) If you are a tea person you can have masala tea at least 3 times a day, with the mix Cinnamomum Tamala, holy basil, Gendarussa Vulgaris, Indian bael, Ginger, Garlic, clove, Black pepper, and Black caraway. It tastes good and good for your health too. If you are missing some ingredients you can simply skip it and work with the rest.


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